The Benefits of Visiting a Chiropractor Regularly

How A Chiropractor Documents Your Progress During Workplace Injury Therapy

by Chloe Dean

If you've been injured while on the job, you may need to see a chiropractor for physical therapy. This type of therapy helps your body heal from workplace injuries and also helps to document your progress. Documentation is especially important if you're looking to file a workers compensation claim.

But what exactly does a chiropractor look for when documenting your progress? This article takes an in-depth look at how a chiropractor documents your progress during physical therapy.

Pain Management

Chiropractors are trained in pain management, so one of the first things they will assess is your pain level. They'll use a range of measures such as the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and other specific tests designed to measure pain levels to determine how much relief you require and how far along you are with your recovery.

VAS is a standard 10-point scale your chiropractor can use to track pain levels. It ranges from 0 (no pain) to 10 (extreme or unbearable pain). The higher the score, the more intense your pain is.

This information helps the chiropractor create a comprehensive plan for your recovery. It also helps them determine the extent of your injury and how much time it will take for you to heal.

Range of Motion

When chiropractors perform physical therapy sessions, range of motion is a big part of the assessment. Your range of motion tells them how well your joints are healing, as well as which areas may need further treatment.

For example, if you have suffered an injury to the shoulder, the chiropractor will test how far you can move the arm in different directions. This gives them an idea of how much mobility you have lost and can help guide their treatment plan accordingly.

Your chiropractor can also assess your range of motion by having you perform tasks such as reaching for objects, bending forward, or squatting. They will also track how far you can move your arm and leg in each direction and how much effort it takes to complete these tasks.

Strength and Coordination

Your chiropractor will also assess your strength and coordination to determine how far along you are in the healing process. They may ask you to perform certain exercises that are designed to test your strength and coordination, such as lifting objects or balancing on one leg.

During your physical therapy sessions, the chiropractor will use a variety of tests to measure your strength and coordination. These tests can include grip strength tests, manual muscle tests, and other functional movement assessments.

Grip tests measure how hard you can squeeze an object, while manual muscle tests measure the strength of certain muscles or groups of muscles. This allows them to understand how well your muscles are working and whether any underlying issues need to be addressed before further progress can be made with treatment. 

Contact a workplace injury treatment physician to find out more.
